Jay Asher is the author behind the bestselling book 13 Reasons Why which is now an original Netflix series. Subscribers have gone wild for the young adult mystery series about a girl who commits suicide and sends audio cassettes explaining why.
Jay Asher wrote 13 Reasons Why after penning a number of other books. Aaron invited him into his studio for episode 51, which was posted on February 8, 2011, to talk about his life, background, and why he thinks the subject resonates. Nate, Aaron, and Mondo dive into the deep end of the pool as well to discuss despair, checking in with other men, and hope.
For more information about Jay’s books, blog, and Netflix series by clicking on the links.
Mark is within 10 days of the cutoff for donations for his race. Click here to give $9 (or any amount) to help his family reach their goal of providing a full year’s tuition for a student in need.
Mark pushing Zoë across the finish line of the Race Judicata 10K in training for the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half-Marathon on April 29, 2017 as part of a fundraising team for New Hope Academy.
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